After Banksy's Visit....

The tour guides to Gaza

These kids in this video are amazing. They are on the ground in Gaza. They are telling it like it is. No hiding no faffing around. But they are making it cultured. They know who Banksy is. They sing Hip Hop and on top of that a girl is doing it. She is cool and contemporary.

The tour guides

The tour guides

Art, culture, war, history, sadness, strength and courage are all seen in this clip. This is a humanitarian plea. They have no clean water and no electricity. These are people. In the midst of it all, they dance and rap; yet telling a story that is relatable to anyone.

In response to graffiti artist Banksy's Make this the Year YOU Discover a New Destination Gaza tourist video, the territory's parkour team show us what real life is like there and their dreams beyond the border. To the sounds of Palestine's biggest female hip-hop artist, Shadia Mansour, join Abdallah AlQassab and the rest of the free-running team as they flip, somersault and leap their way round the ruined city.


Have a watch of the link and see for yourself. Its short, and sweet but straight to the point.

With Love, From Palestine