Open Bethlehem

I have not seen Open Bethlehem, but if the reviews are anything to go by then it seems to be one of those films/documentaries that should not be missed. Bethlehem is an iconic town that represents Joy and Goodwill to all.

Open Bethlehem

Open Bethlehem

Shot over five years the film captures the city of Bethlehem as it has never been seen before. This is an emotional journey of one woman’s fight for her hometown. Leila Sanosur films this as a dedication to her late father who was the founder of Bethlehem university. And the her wanting to leave is something that has come to haunt her. Bethlehem is soon to be encircled by a wall and Leila is documenting this as it happens. A truly heart-breaking situation.

One of the most remarkable and moving documentaries I have seen, about this unreported story. The tragedy of the Palestinians encapsulated in the life of one family and one town - Bethlehem. See the film, then go to Bethlehem and see for yourself
— Jon Snow

The film needs as many donations as possible to get released officially and with our help we can make this happen. I have attached the link for this below for you to have a look.

With Love, From Palestine