Freedom Theatre

In the West Bank city of Jenin actors are using the stage to rewrite the script of Palestine. This method of using the stage and screen as a vehicle for social change and resistance. 

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A 23 year old Saber Shreim, sitting in a cafe that he calls his office, was given the role of a lifetime playing the part of a young man taking part in the hugely successful Arab Idol, which is directed by Hany Abu Asad. He also write an amazing Oscar nominated movie called Omar which is a must see if you have the opportunity. In this movie of Arab Idol Shreim, plays the character of the best friend. 

Saber Shreim.jpg

This movies is about the trials and tribulations of Palestinian life under the occupation of Israel and how they had to get over certain hurdles to even get to the auditions in Cairo jumping over fences and around armed security and Israeli soldiers just to get what they wanted. A chance of hope and change in their world. The story is of Mohammad Assaf, a young 25 year old who actually won Arab Idol. 

This success is a far cry from what Shreim saw as a child in Jenin, when in 2002 Israel launched a bloody offensive on the city. Shreims father was shot in the leg and bled to death in front of him and is mother. Through sorrow and sadness, moments of rebellion and anger led Shreim to act out in rap, song, acting and anyway he could to express himself. He later formed a band called "Free Music".

After years of learning how to act and dance, he landed a role in "Suicide note from Palestine", which took him all over Europe. This gives light to someone who has felt trapped in their on country and home. The theater thrived due to the perseverance of its students even through assassinations of its founders. It is a place of creativity and growth. To be intellectual and comfortable and current. 

Nobody wants to be bad, but people are stuck in a circle. If all the time you are being a victim, you dont change anything. Israel want us to be stupid, to do nothing with our lives...They give is just enough not to die
— Saber Shreim

Shreim pauses for thought.

The Question is how to get out of the circle. My generation have started t stand up to their families. People are doing cinema, theatre and music
— Saber Shreim

This is the website that they have set up for the theatre. A truly amazing group of people that need to have their voices heard.

Do have a look through and see for yourselves.

With Love, From Palestine